Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mail Bag

Woo-Hoo! I've got a few comments to what I wrote, so it's now time for the stagecoach to ride in with the High Plains Papist Mail Bag...

In response to Pro-Choice Violence, Clairvaux writes in "It was in the pro-life news today that 2 women became really ill after someone put a chemical on the parking lot near them. One was under care for 4 hour at the hospital really sick. They are considering it a deliberate chemical attack. Pro-life people pray and are quite/peaceful. And yet such hate and foul language spews from the pro-aborts. A few might need an exorcism."

Once again, the pro-choice lie is exposed. Their "peaceful" movement is off the charts in violence. I can't think of anything more violent than killing innocents. The great majority of them are against the war for the reason that they don't like the violence against innocents yet can't seem to understand that they not only condone the killing of innocents but those who are the smallest and weakest of us all: The unborn. To show you just how "peaceful" they are, they're more than willing to try to kill or injure you doing it. Bleeding brilliant.

On the same note, Paul writes "What the pro-life side should do is hire a "goon", like they have in hockey - the one guy who's job it is to dole out a few knuckle sandwiches whenever the pro-aborts get physical."

The pro-life movement can't return violence for violence. Even the lives of those who perpetuate the violence and those who attack are sacred in the eyes of God...

That said, what is Bob Probert up to these days?

In response to The Word is the Word, Cynthia writes "This is a great piece, Chuck. One thing that bugs me (but you know I'm a V2 baby!) is how everybody approaches it as either-or; either Latin or vernacular. It seems to me that with the indult we have a magnificent opportunity for both-and; both vernacular and Latin masses available to the People of God."

I wasn't born until 1970 myself, but the way that I see it, 90% of the people who don't like the idea of a Latin Mass are mostly afraid of not understanding the Latin. What I don't think that they understand is that if we got used to the Latin again, it wouldn't matter where we went to Mass or what language the vernacular is in because we'd have more uniformity. I also think that people are afraid that they're not going to understand ANY of it, which is of course not true since in the case of the 1962 Missal, the epistle and the Gospel are re-read in the vernacular and the homily is, of course, in the vernacular as well. When I miss the English Mass and go to a Spanish Mass (when I can't get to the Tridentine Mass for some reason or another in the first place), I don't understand any of it, or at least as much as my two years of high school Spanish will allow me.

Not that I have a problem with the Novus Ordo in general. That's what I'm going to have to work with for awhile, but I'm confident that I may be in the right place to see if a Tridentine Mass can be instituted at the parish we just joined and then people will have the option of going to either. That's what I pray for, anyway.


MemoriaDei said...

It must have been 10 years ago that Mother Angelica gave her viewers a bit of h*ll because of those who griped about Latin and those who griped about English. She was like.."what do you want?!" I guess her point is that the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ is truly present regardless of the language. Bravo, I say to that. But then, I can't get to Mass so I would appreciate the Mass in the language of Timbuktu ! lol God bless you, Chucksters!

MemoriaDei said...

And why are you not following my blog, mister ! lol Have a wonderful and very blessed Thanksgiving.