I am predicting that there will be more anti-abortion terror because of this election. I AM ALSO PREDICTING THAT THIS TIME IT WILL BE ANSWERED IN KIND BY PRO-CHOICE COUNTERTERRORISTS, who will mount similar terrorist attacks against well-known right-to-lifers. FATHER FRANK will be a natural target for pro-choice counterterrorists.
I therefore advise you, Fr Frank, if you read that there has been another abortion-clinic shooting or bombing, get out of town immediately. Take a vacation abroad. Go visit the Vatican. If there is another act of anti-abortion terror, your life will not be safe in the USA.
Good luck."
The full text of the post is here.
Fr. Pavone goes through the entire post siting the violence that's done against pro-lifers, and as per usual, there's one guy who sits there and denies it to the bitter end that "the number of people who have been killed, or shot, in the USA for being right-to-lifers is ZERO."
Ever notice when the evidence is clear on something that there's always someone who has to insist that it never happened? Don't Neo-Nazis still insist the Holocaust of Jewish people during WWII never happened, either, even when there's overwhelming evidence?
When violence does occur by those in the pro-life movement, why is it that organizations such as Priests for Life or Feminists for Life ALWAYS decry the violence, distance themselves from those involved, and in some cases offer rewards for the capture of those who take it too far, yet do you ever see Planned Parenthood or NARAL doing the same thing? Of course not! By definition of their very existence, those groups feed and thrive on violence; violence against the unborn, violence against women, and violence against those who disagree with them.
Abortion is slickly marketed. The entire abortion industry issues their propaganda, and then basically cry foul every time someone, anyone disagrees with them. The only real difference between their propaganda machine and Vladimir Lenin's propaganda machine during the Russian Revolution is that when you didn't agree with Soviet ideology, you were usually shot. Likewise, violence occurs against pro-lifers at an alarming rate, and yet those in the pro-choice camp insist it doesn't happen. Doesn't the letter to Fr. Pavone indicate that maybe it DOES happen, and will happen on a larger scale soon?
The letter to Fr. Pavone isn't counterterrorism - it's terrorism. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this, and anyone who threatens a non-violent priest is, in fact, a coward at best.
I guess I should expect that out of an industry and ideology that thrives on killing those weaker than they are, though, shouldn't I?
Chuck, MI
It was in the pro-life news today that 2 women became really ill after someone put a chemical on the parking lot near them. One was under care for 4 hour at the hospital really sick. They are considering it a deliberate chemical attack. Pro-life people pray and are quite/peaceful. And yet such hate and foul language spews from the pro-aborts. A few might need an exorcism.
What the pro-life side should do is hire a "goon", like they have in hockey - the one guy who's job it is to dole out a few knuckle sandwiches whenever the pro-aborts get physical.
Hope all is well Chuck!
The big problem with that, Paul, is that the pro-life side needs to be as anti-violent as possible. We can't afford to return violence with violence.
That said, I wonder what Bob Probert is up to these days...
Oh, no, Chuck, I wouldn't call it violence, just a little, um, physical encouragement to refrain from violence....hehehe
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