Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Our Cultural Earthquake

According to an article from ZENIT today, Cardinal Stafford went on record about the election of Barack Obama.

“Because man is a sacred element of secular life,” the cardinal said, “[…] a person’s life cannot ultimately be controlled by government.”

"On Nov. 4, 2008, America suffered a cultural earthquake,” continued the cardinal. He pointed out that president-elect Barack Obama campaigned on an “extremist anti-life platform,” and described him as “aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic.”

There's an old punk song from a band called Discharge that comes to mind.

Protest and Survive - Discharge

The savage mutilation of the human race is set on course

Protest and survive, protest and survive

It's up to us to change that course
Protest and survive, protest and survive

Punk songs aren't very long. This one in particular is short and repetitive, but I digress...

Counterculture, to those who are true to it, is not a choice so much as it's thrust upon them. At some point, you only want to do what you think is right, and sometimes doing what's right isn't doing what's popular (a hard lesson I learned from years in northwest Indiana's punk and metal scenes). When we live in the Culture of Death, we must be the counterculture. The Culture of Life IS the counterculture now. We must refuse and resist the Culture of Death at every turn. That's all of our jobs. Some may be called on to be martyred, but it's not up to just them. It's up to all of us.

The next four years is going to be difficult for the Culture of Life to say the least, but if we cling to Our Lord in the Eucharist and Our Lady, we'll help topple the Culture of Death. Pagan Rome might have been burning while Nero fiddled, but a Catholic culture emerged from the ashes. It's going to happen again, and we can help bring that to light, but not without struggle, sacrifice, and clinging to the Truth.

Time to go to work.

1 comment:

MemoriaDei said...

Hi, Chuck...I deleted my other blog and started this one. It's in conjunction with the other pro-life work I am doing...and we just sent over 800 snail mail letters out this week saying NO to Foca. Our next snail mail blast is Dec. 8th.